About Moi. . .

My name is Preya. I’m a self enthused thinker who loves Food, Travel and Disney. Once upon a time in August 2017 a Light Bulb “pinged” into action and the jumble in my head finally became “Gluten Free Travel Ninja”.

I’m choosing to write about the things that are a daily occurrence in my current hectic lifestyle, but to focus on things that I enjoy and love, to help others.

So here’s a bit of history. . . I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease when I was 7 years old. Quite a hard age as kids live off Junk food – especially in the 90’s. My favourite food being Mini Rolls. So for 12 years I was living off rubbish prescription food in a market that is NOW just emerging. Hence the reason I didn’t listen to my body and continued to eat what my heart desire [when nobody was looking].

Then I went to uni and you either turn into a fitness junkie or a coach potato. I chose the fitness route as I was sick of being tired, putting on weight and not being able to concentrate [side effects of not staying gluten-free].

It was a new beginning to my life which I fully embraced and the reason why I want to share this with the world. As the past few years I have focused on enjoying life and not letting anything hold me back. #Holidays

Number 1 new goal – is to be more open and write about the things I enjoy!!!!